The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

While part of an WOTC program, married John Gausch, an Army vet. Joined US Marine Corps, got out as a Captain USMC, went to graduate school at University of PA. Received Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, but decided to join the Philadelphia Civic Ballet. Best move of my life! Started Ballet workshop, performed and taught. Divorced (still good friends) Moved to North Carolina. Am a commercial RE broker selling only golf courses. Have two children, Eric and Karen Gausch. Two grandsons, Max and Ian. Still self-employed, but active in Marine Corps League, Wounded Warriors Organization and live on a golf course and play only once per week. Trying to learn violin. Looking for a good teacher! Life has been good, active, healthy and looking forward to new adventures. Had several one-man shows in oil painting, have traveled all over the world, Now belong to a writer's group and have written 4 full length adult novels, four children's stories and won a couple of awards for short stories. Trying to find an agent.